Having a Managed Fund portfolio that is a mix of different assets means that it is much more diversified. Why does this matter? Because having a mix of investments means there will be less impact if one investment doesn’t perform as well as expected. A mixed portfolio can lead to better returns and less risk over time.
Diversification can be complex. We've made it simple: Mixed Asset Portfolios where your money is invested across a range of assets from the get-go. Our Mixed Asset Portfolios include a blend of growth assets such as property and shares, as well as lower risk classes like cash and fixed interest. These investments are spread geographically too, across markets in New Zealand and overseas. You'll be diversified from the moment you invest.
Our in-house investment team actively manage your Mixed Asset Portfolios. That means that our experts research companies first hand, and closely monitor the economy and market conditions. The team has the flexibility to adjust your investment mix in order to find the best opportunities and to manage risk in more difficult times.
Our in-house Advice team is on hand to help you - whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out. It won’t cost you anything to speak to an adviser and there is no obligation to go ahead with an investment.
Speak to one of our team to find out which investment solution fits your goals best:
Choose a custom blend. With access to both Mixed Asset Portfolios and individual asset class funds, our Financial Advisers can design an investment solution just for you.
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