Fisher Funds Policies

    Our company policies.

    The following policies set the principles, rules, and guidelines for how we manage our schemes.

    Fisher Funds Conflicts of Interest Policy
    Fisher Funds Proxy Voting Policy
    Fisher Funds Unit Pricing and Valuation Policy
    Fisher Funds Unlisted and Suspended Securities Policy
    Fisher Funds Responsible Investment Policy
    Fisher Funds Liquidity Risk Management Policy
    Fisher Funds Portfolio Trading Policy


    View our complaints process here.


    View our privacy policy here.

    Terms and Conditions

    View our digital platforms Terms and Conditions here.

    Board and Committee Charters

    Fisher Funds' Board use committees to enhance its effectiveness in key areas while still retaining board responsibility. Board sub-committee allow us to use our director’s particular skills, knowledge and experience to our best advantage and we find that more can be achieved in this way.

    The committees regularly review and assess Fisher Funds' policies and governance practices to identify opportunities for enhancement and to ensure that they reflect the highest standards of ethical conduct in Fisher Funds' operations and culture.

    Fisher Funds Board Charter
    Fisher Funds Audit and Risk Committee Charter
    Fisher Funds Investment Strategy Committee Charter
    Fisher Funds Nominations Committee Charter
    Fisher Funds Remuneration Committee Charter
    Fisher Funds ESG Committee Charter