Funds & performance

    After fees and before tax returns as at 28 Feb 2025.

    Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Scheme

    Funds & strategies1 mth3 mths6 mths12 mths2 yrs*3 yrs*5 yrs*7 yrs*Since inception*Date of inception

    Conservative Fund


    Balanced Strategy++


    Growth Fund


    ++ The Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Scheme does not have a separate Balanced Fund. A Balanced investment strategy is available and currently reflects a 40% weighting in our KiwiSaver Conservative Fund and a 60% weighting in our KiwiSaver Growth Fund. This option has only been available since the launch of the KiwiSaver Conservative Fund in June 2009.

    Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Plan

    Funds1 mth3 mths6 mths12 mths2 yrs*3 yrs*5 yrs*7 yrs*Since inception*Date of inception

    Cash Fund


    CashPlus Fund

    (Closed to new investors)


    Default Conservative Fund


    Conservative Fund


    Default Fund


    Balanced Fund


    Growth Fund


    This table reports the returns, after fees and before tax, for each fund. The return since inception is the return since the start date of the fund. The start date for the Conservative, Balanced, and Growth funds was 1 October 2007. The start date for the CashPlus fund was 1 June 2012 and the start date for the Cash fund, was 12 September 2012. The Default Conservative fund's start date was 1 July 2014, and it was named the Default fund prior to 1 December 2021. The start date for the Default fund was 1 December 2021. Past performance is no indicator of future performance. The value of your investment, including returns, can decrease as well as increase. No one guarantees the return of capital or income from the Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Plan or any Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Plan Fund. This information is not audited and may be updated.

    Fisher Funds Managed Funds

    Funds & strategies1 mth3 mths6 mths12 mths2 yrs*3 yrs*5 yrs*7 yrs*Since inception*Date of inception

    Income Fund

    Performance chart

    Property & Infrastructure Fund

    Performance chart

    New Zealand Growth Fund

    Performance chart

    Australian Growth Fund

    Performance chart

    International Growth Fund

    Performance chart

    Conservative Fund


    Balanced Strategy 40/60


    Balanced Strategy 45/55

    (Closed to new investors)


    Growth Fund


    Fisher Funds Premium Service

    Funds & strategies1 mth3 mths6 mths12 mths2 yrs*3 yrs*5 yrs*7 yrs*Since inception*Date of inception

    Income Fund

    Performance chart

    Property & Infrastructure Fund+**

    Performance chart

    New Zealand Fund

    Performance chart

    Australian Fund

    Performance chart

    International Fund

    Performance chart

    + Returns to date include the impact of monthly distributions and assumes they have been reinvested.

    ** The Premium Property & Infrastructure Fund paid distributions quarterly but these were stopped effective 26 July 2012.

    Fisher Funds TWO KiwiSaver Scheme

    Funds & strategies1 mth3 mths6 mths12 mths2 yrs*3 yrs*5 yrs*7 yrs*Since inception*Date of inception

    Cash Enhanced Fund

    (Closed to new investors)


    Preservation Fund


    Conservative Fund


    Balanced Fund


    Growth Fund


    Equity Fund


    Fisher Funds Investment Funds

    Funds1 mth3 mths6 mths12 mths2 yrs*3 yrs*5 yrs*7 yrs*Since inception*Date of inception

    Conservative Fund

    (Closed to new investors)


    Balanced Fund

    (Closed to new investors)


    Growth Fund

    (Closed to new investors)


    This table reports the returns, after fees and before tax, for each fund. The return since inception is the return since the start date of the fund. Each fund started investing effective 31 July 2018. Past performance is no indicator of future performance. The value of your investment, including returns, can decrease as well as increase. No one guarantees the return of capital or income from the Fisher Funds Investment Funds. This information is not audited and may be updated.

    Fisher Funds LifeSaver Plan

    Funds & strategies1 mth3 mths6 mths12 mths2 yrs*3 yrs*5 yrs*7 yrs*Since inception*Date of inception

    Preservation Fund


    Conservative Fund


    New Zealand Fixed Income Fund


    Balanced Fund


    Growth Fund


    Equity Fund


    Trans Tasman Equity Fund


    Important: For the Fisher Funds LifeSaver Plan all fund performance figures were net of tax and management fees to 30 September 2007. From 1 October 2007 fund performance figures are gross of tax and net of management fees. Please note that not all of the funds are available to all LifeSaver Employer Schemes. The funds that are available to you will be outlined in your employer supplement under 'Description of your investment options'. Prior to 26 March 2012 the LifeSaver Trans Tasman Equity Fund was named the LifeSaver New Zealand Share Fund. The investment returns up to 26 March 2012 reflect the Fund's previous investment strategy whereby the Fund invested predominately in New Zealand Shares. Investment returns from 26 March 2012 are reflective of the Fund's current investment strategy.

    Fisher Funds Investment Series

    Funds & strategies1 mth3 mths6 mths12 mths2 yrs*3 yrs*5 yrs*7 yrs*Since inception*Date of inception

    CashPlus Fund


    New Zealand Fixed Income Trust


    Bond Plus Fund


    Trans Tasman Equity Trust


    Global Fund


    Important: For the Fisher Funds Investment Series all fund performance figures were net of tax and management fees to 30 September 2007. From 1 October 2007 fund performance figures are gross of tax and net of management fees. Prior to 26 March 2012 the Fisher Funds Trans Tasman Equity Trust was named the Fisher Funds New Zealand Equity Trust. The investment returns up to 26 March 2012 reflect the Fund's previous investment strategy whereby the Fund invested predominately in New Zealand Shares. Investment returns from 26 March 2012 are reflective of the Fund's current investment strategy.


    Funds & strategies1 mth3 mths6 mths12 mths2 yrs*3 yrs*5 yrs*7 yrs*Since inception*Date of inception

    Capital Protected Fund

    (Closed to new investors)


    Balanced Fund

    (Closed to new investors)


    Growth Fund

    (Closed to new investors)


    International Companies Fund

    (Closed to new investors)


    Trans Tasman Equity Fund

    (Closed to new investors)


    ** The declared interest rate for the Capital Protected Fund is 5.20% p.a. The declared interest rate is set by Fisher Funds and subject to review at any time.

    Important: FreedomPlan was amalgamated with FuturePlan on 25 November 2016

    Fund performance figures for FuturePlan and FreedomPlan were net of tax and management fees until 31 March 2008. From 1 April 2008, they are gross of tax and net of management fees.

    Important Information: * Fund performance figures have been annualised where the performance period is more than one year. Fund performance figures do not include entry fees, exit fees or brokerage fees or tax, but do include any tax credits applicable to the funds since October 2007. Please note that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns. Returns can be positive or negative, and returns over different time periods may vary. No returns are promised or guaranteed.

    Disclaimer: While all care has been taken in the display of these fund performance figures, neither Fisher Funds Management Limited nor any other person accepts responsibility for any errors.