Disclaimer: Fisher Funds includes Fisher Funds Management Limited "Fisher Funds" and Fisher Funds Wealth Limited. Fisher Funds Management Limited is the issuer of the Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Scheme, Fisher Funds Managed Funds, Premium Service, LifeSaver Plan, and Investment Series. Fisher Funds Wealth Limited is the issuer of the Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Plan and Fisher Funds Investment Funds. A PDS for each of the financial products is available here and also on the relevant scheme's offer register entry at disclose-register.companiesoffice.govt.nz/. Fisher Funds Professional investment advice should be taken before making an investment. A disclosure statement is available from your adviser, on request and free of charge.
Fund performance figures do not include entry fees, exit fees, or any other fees associated with buying or selling units in the fund, or tax, but do include any tax credits applicable to the funds since October 2007. Information, calculations, and any opinions on this website are based upon sources believed reliable, but Fisher Funds, its officers and directors make no representations as to their accuracy or completeness. All opinions reflect our judgment on the date of communication and are subject to change without notice. Please note that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns. Returns can be positive or negative, and returns over different time periods may vary. No returns are promised or guaranteed.
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