20 December 2023

    Watch: Why is understanding your investment timeframe so important?

    When you’ve got a longer term investment timeframe you’ve got a bit more capacity to take on risk because you’ve got the ability to hold on through any challenging times in the markets.

    Whereas a shorter timeframe means you have much less ability to regain any losses if you needed to take out your money immediately.

    Understanding and remembering your investment timeframe is really key to investing, right up there with understanding your attitude towards risk. Senior Wealth Manager Laura O'Reilly explains more in this short video.

    Need help?

    If you would like to discuss whether you have the right strategy for your investment timeframe, please get in touch – you can drop us an email, call us on 0508 347 437, or chat with us online.

    If you are interested in joining Fisher Funds KiwiSaver Scheme, you can join online or request a call from a KiwiSaver Specialist who can help you with any questions you may have.

    If you are interested in opening a Managed Funds account, you can apply online or request a call from an adviser to chat through the investment options.