An ongoing partnership with us ensures that the full range of resources and services of Fisher Funds are brought to bear, adding value over and above investment performance. We build partnerships that are based on mutual trust, respect, reciprocity and whanaungatanga.
Why partner with Fisher Institutional?
We are proudly majority owned (66%) by the Toi Foundation, which means that most of our profits go towards supporting community and charitable efforts which benefit local organisations and people to build a thriving, inclusive and equitable Taranaki.
As a New Zealand based manager, we have a track record of over 24 years of successful investment behind us. The foundation that has built this success is our culture and our differentiated approach to investing.
We have built the largest New Zealand based investment team. But size means nothing without culture. While this is hard to codify, evaluate and measure, it is an incredibly valuable intangible asset, which we pride ourselves on. Our culture has enabled our performance by encouraging diversity of thought, the sharing of ideas and transparency.

Our offering
Fisher Institutional offers unitised trusts that are available to qualifying wholesale investors. All vehicles are multi-rate PIEs for income tax purposes.
The available wholesale investment funds are:
New Zealand Cash
New Zealand Fixed Interest
Global Bonds (three separate offerings: PIMCO, Wellington, Fisher Funds)
Property (directly held)
Listed Property & Infrastructure
Trans-Tasman Shares
Australian Shares
International Shares (three separate offerings: core hedged, core unhedged, select equities 50% hedged)
Balanced Fund
Market insights
In addition to comprehensive portfolio and performance reporting, we produce a quarterly investment commentary "Market Insights", which contains contributions from all our investment managers on the most relevant topics and covers all asset classes.
Our people
At Fisher Funds, clear and transparent communication is one of the founding principles of the firm. This involves both our written material as well as attendance at Trustee and Investment Committee meetings. Our client service approach is dedicated, considered and strong and is combined with exceptional investment experience.
We welcome the opportunity to attend investment review meetings, ensuring that the appropriate investment staff are available to discuss the market environment and performance along with the outlook and strategy of the portfolio.
If you would like to discuss how Fisher Institutional can help your organisation, please contact Kate or Ashley.
Fisher Institutional Online access
Existing institutional clients can access their accounts online.
If you require assistance logging in, please contact Kate Meyers 09 487 2637 or [email protected]