On Thursday 24 February, after many weeks of tension and speculation, Russia declared war on Ukraine. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and with our clients who have friends or family in this area of the world.
Events like this can create volatility in financial markets, but despite the troubling headlines, markets generally seem to be taking the news in their stride, and in fact the US markets closed in a positive position overnight.
We appreciate that some of our investors may be unsettled by this situation, particularly as markets were already off to a bumpy start in 2022. We’d like to reassure you that Fisher Funds does not hold shares in any Russian companies and as always, we encourage you to stay focused on your long-term investment goals.
We recently recorded some videos about market volatility which you might find useful:
How does Fisher Funds prepare for and react to periods of market volatility?
What should investors do during periods of market volatility?
As always, we're here to help, so if you would like to talk to someone about your investments or your investment strategy, please contact us or get in touch with your Adviser.